Dale Ritchey for Georgia State House
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Thank you so much to everyone who voted for, and supported us!

Thanks to all of our efforts, we made a big step in the direction of freedom and liberty - and you'll never find a more worthwhile cause.

Hello, I�m Dale Ritchey.

I�m not a politician, a lawyer, or a scholar. I am a husband, a father, and a small business owner here in Cobb County.

In fact, I�m probably a lot like you - too busy working and taking care of my family to really get involved.

But I�ve come to the realization that if we don�t stand up for what we believe in, we will only have ourselves to blame as taxes continue to rise and our freedoms are taken away.
Campaign News

We now accept online credit card contributions!
Online Credit Card Contribution
Just go to our Volunteer & Contribute form (you don't have to fill out the volunteer section), which uses highly secure up-to-date 128 bit encryption for your security.

Keep an eye out for our official Dale Ritchey "Big Signs"!
Dale Ritchey Big Sign
A good way to tell if you are in Dale's district is to look for our official Dale Ritchey "Big Signs", if you see one you are either in or close to the 34th district. They're hard to miss, at 4 by 8 feet and with dozens around you're bound to see a few. Also Dale may be the only person running with 100% of his larger signs on private property, and all installed by Dale himself (and of course they'll be taken down very soon after Dale wins).

We have lots of great video footage of Dale's campaign, here are six good video clips. This is mostly unedited video so it's not perfect.

Dale's TV Ad
 Dale's TV Ad
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Dale Speaking at the Boortz Event
Dale Speaking at the Boortz Event
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Audio Only / 28K / 56K

Dale in the Marietta 4th of July Parade
Dale in the Marietta 4th of July Parade
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Audio Only / 28K / 56K
Dale Opposing the Sales Tax Increase
Dale Opposing the Sales Tax Increase
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Audio Only / 28K / 56K

Dale at the LP Candidate Forum
Dale at the LP Candidate Forum
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Audio Only / 28K / 56K
Dale's Announcement Speech
Dale's Announcement Speech
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Audio Only / 28K / 56K

We now have new "DaleRitchey.com" bumper stickers and yard signs!

DaleRitchey.com Bumper Sticker

Dale Ritchey Yard Sign

Click here to get one, and help us start spreading Dale's message of liberty and freedom today!

Compare the Candidates

Mr. John Wiles offical photo Dale believes that the people are best served when they are able to carefully look at all candidates, without the mud slinging and the clouding of issues. Because of this belief, Dale encourages all voters to examine his background and his stance on the issues and compare them to those of his opponent, Mr. John Wiles. So please take a moment to review the content of Mr. Wiles website so you can judge which candidate is the best man for the job.

Voter Info

To find out when, where and how to vote in the upcoming election click here (to find out why to vote in the upcoming election, browse through the rest of the web page).

E-mail Updates

For a great way to keep up with the campaign, sign up for Campaign E-mail Updates by simply submit your e-mail address below.

Guest Book

Let us know you dropped in by signing our guestbook, or if you want you can view our guestbook to see what everyone else is saying.

�Our government was created to protect our freedoms, not to take them away.�

Dale Ritchey

Dale, his wife Yvonne and their daughter Dessie Mae Dale, his wife Yvonne and their daughter Dessie Mae

Dale with Congressman Ron Paul, 'The Taxpayers' Best Friend' Dale with Congressman Ron Paul, �The Taxpayers' Best Friend�
Paid for by
Friends of Dale Ritchey
PHONE (770) 426-7926
FAX (770) 426-9045

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Site developed by Jason Butler.