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October 2000

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October 1st, 2:00 PM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

Another 500 homes today. What could be better than getting some good exercise and getting involved in the community. We're thinking of making this a formal exercise plan, "Lose Weight the Dale Ritchey Way!"

October 5th, 7:00 PM - This is The Libertarian Party of Cobb County regular monthly meeting. They are always great events, but the next month is going to be even better with Dale's campaign heating up. Come out to get the latest updates on the campaign, and there's usually always some great way to help out.

Great meeting! Dale and Mike got everyone excited and ready to go for the last, and most important, month of the campaign. Jason also played a sneak peek preview of Dale's TV commercial - which looks fantastic!

October 7th, 9:00 AM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

A good number of volunteers showed up this morning, and we put them to some serious canvassing by visiting most the homes off John Ward Road.

October 8th, 2:00 PM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

We had a small group of volunteers today, but they did a good job of canvassing neighborhoods in the east part of the district. We also installed several "Big Signs" in the northern part of the 34th district. Dale doesn't believe in just going to certain parts of district, with certain targeted demographics, like most other politicians. Dale believes his message applies to everyone, and we plan to seriously campaign in every single part of the district.

October 10th, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Dale will be at Sons of Confederate Veterans Meeting, at the Whistle Stop Caf� in downtown Kennesaw.

Dale had a very respectful and honest discussion with the good people of SCV, who seemed genuinely impressed with Dale's consistent and moral libertarian views.

October 14th, 9:00 AM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

We had a very good crowd today. We ended up going to a majority of the homes in the northern part of the district. The campaign is really starting to get fun - we had two cars stop us and ask for materials, ordinary people are giving unsolicited donations, more and more people are already familiar with the campaign and happy to see us.

October 15th, 2:00 PM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

It's great to see new people getting involved and today we had three. Mark, Jamie and Josh - all young people who decide it was time to get involved. With their help and our veteran volunteers we visited a good many homes in the center of the district. Also today Dale and Mike finished installing the last of our "Big Signs".

October 21st, 9:00 AM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

When you get some nice weather and not too many hills, this door-to-door stuff is just like talking a nice walk and visiting with folks.

October 22nd, 2:00 PM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

We had a good crowd today. Everyday we go out more and more people are saying great things about Dale and his campaign - and how great it is to see the actual candidate and his volunteers coming out and meeting the people.

October 23rd, 7:00 PM - Dale will be speaking at the Cobb County Farm Bureau's Annual Meeting.

Dale was happy to be at the Cobb County Farm Bureau's meeting, but just as he was settling in he got a call that his wife Yvonne might be going in to labor and he had to leave. It was just a false alarm - looks like their son is going to wait another day or two.

October 25th - This is the due date of Yvonne's (and Dale's) new baby boy!

Well nothing happened today, but it'll be very very soon

October 26th, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Dale will be participating in the voter's forum held by Marietta-Cobb League of Women Voters. Details will be forth coming.

Dale showed up ready to answer question and present his ideas, but the County Commissioners have a very unusual rule that 2/3 of the candidates in any race have to be present for any of them to participate. And of course Mr. Wiles did not show up, so Dale was forced to leave the forum. So thanks to the Commissioners' rule and Wiles lack of interest, the people of Cobb County lost out.

October 28th, 9:00 AM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

Another great day! Nothing is better than meeting people who are familiar with Dale and looking forward to voting for him.

October 29th, 2:00 PM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

We went in to some fantastic neighborhoods today. The weather was so nice that people were working outside and kids were out playing. And people were genuinely interested in Dale's grassroots campaign.

October 30th, 7:30 PM - Dale will be at the Osborne High School PTA legislative forum. The public is invited to attend the program. Osborne High is located at 2451 Favor Road in Marietta (Map and Directions). For more information call (770) 319-3791.

Well Dale was really looking forward to going to PTA legislative forum, but his son had other plans! Dale and Yvonne went to the hospital early in the day and stayed there till the next morning when young Seth Henry was born at 5:58 AM (press release). Mike sat in for Dale's opening statement and explained why he couldn't attend, as well as Dale's basic view on education. Mr. Wiles did attend this event, but offered no constructive ideas.

November 2000

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November 2nd, 7:00 PM - This is The Libertarian Party of Cobb County regular monthly meeting. They are always great events, but the next few days are going to be even better with Dale's campaign heating up. Come out to get the latest updates on the campaign, and there's usually always some great way to help out.

We ended up having the county meeting in Dale�s basement (our usual spot was being used for election preparations). We finished preparing our last handouts, and planning for the last few exciting days of the campaign.

November 4th, 9:00 AM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

Had a good crowd today to help wrap our door-to-door efforts. We visited about a thousand homes today, and only have a couple hundred more homes to visit to finish our goal of 10,000.

November 5th, 2:00 PM - 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive! For more info and to volunteer go to our 10,000 Homes by Election Day Drive page.

We had to shift gears today in order to respond to the lies Wiles sent out in his last mail out. So we printed up thousands of copies of our press release, that clearly documented Wiles lies against Dale, and took them to the voters (it�s of course too late too mail them). We did this until late Monday and also completely finished our 10,000 door-to-door efforts - right on schedule. After talking with many voters over the last two days it�s obvious that Wiles really hurt himself with his desperate mail out that contained bold face lies (especially after we went out of our way to keep the campaign about the issues facing the people of Cobb).

November 7th - Election Day! Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne and vice-presidential candidate Art Olivier will be holding their national Election Day party here in Atlanta! And not only will Dale be one of the feature guests, but he and his band will also be playing for us. This is going to be a huge, huge, huge event - people will be coming in from all over the county, and so will the press. There is simply no better place to be when we get the official word of Dale's victory! Details will be forth coming.

Click here to get Involved and Contribute to the Campaign

Dale (bottom left, kneeling by Dessie Mae) marching in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade with the Libertarian Party of Georgia Dale (bottom left, kneeling by Dessie Mae) marching in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade with the Libertarian Party of Georgia

Dale being unanimously nominated as the Libertarian candidate for the 34th House District Dale being unanimously nominated as the Libertarian candidate for the 34th House District
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Friends of Dale Ritchey
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